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Design your own static or dynamical charts with Diagram-Editor and bring the charts to SharePoint and Teams.


The package contains two different Web Parts. One to design and one to view charts into the context of SharePoint online and Teams.


The Diagram-Editor has two modes to design your charts.
First mode is design a static chart. In this mode you can design Flow-, Org- or combination of this.

Select Static diagram into the modeller. Give the template a name.

If you want to use a exist tempate as base for the new template. You can duplicate them and design the new template.

Describe your modell with the existing shapes.
Save it and deploy it into then tempalte list.

All Settings are save into the template. The Diagram-Viewer use this settings to display the template.


Use the Web Part Diagram-Viewer to display the content of template on any SharePoint Page or direktly in Teams.

Put the Web Part Diagram-Viewer on any SharePoint page or into Teams.
Select the site, subweb, templatelist. Choose a template and let display them.

More informations about Diagram-Editor-Viewer find on docs.flk-consulting.de